New Member
A new product by m2n is available: Unignorable User Permissions 1.1.0 - Prevent certain users / usergroups from being ignored
Unignorable User Permissions 1.1.0
In standard Xenforo, only members with the Display user as staff setting can not be ignored.
If you want non staff members to be unignorable, then use this addon.
The new Prevent ignore action permission prevents users from being ignored.
For example, on AVForums, we do not mark moderators as staff members.
So they could be ignored.
But with this addon, the moderators can not be ignored.
If you wish to purchase a license for this product, please register and then send a message to Stuart Wright to request access to purchase. Please include the URL of the forum you wish to use the product on.
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Unignorable User Permissions 1.1.0
In standard Xenforo, only members with the Display user as staff setting can not be ignored.
If you want non staff members to be unignorable, then use this addon.
The new Prevent ignore action permission prevents users from being ignored.
For example, on AVForums, we do not mark moderators as staff members.
So they could be ignored.
But with this addon, the moderators can not be ignored.
If you wish to purchase a license for this product, please register and then send a message to Stuart Wright to request access to purchase. Please include the URL of the forum you wish to use the product on.
Extended Product Information
- New permission Prevent ignore action which prevents users from being ignored.
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