Tag Essentials

A new update is available for Tag Essentials by Stuart Wright.

Tag Essentials 2.1.4

Update highlights

  • Fix "Restrict addition of tag to threads in these forums" not being checked on reloading the restricted tag
  • Fix error when a user attempts to use a blacklisted synonym tag, and correctly report the synonym tag used that was blocked

Complete Change Log

Two bug fixes

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A new update is available for Tag Essentials by Stuart Wright.

Tag Essentials 2.2.0

Update highlights

Requires XF2.1.+
New Feature: Add Auto-tag threads from thread-title option in Batch Update Threads function.
Bug fix: Respect tag blacklisting via Batch Update Threads action
Bug fix: Implement Restrict addition of tag to threads in these forums to apply to both manually set thread tags and tags created from the thread title.
Bug fix: Tweak bulk tag management action to read Delete instead of Disable

Complete Change Log

New feature (Auto-tag threads from thread-title option in Batch Update Threads function) and bug fixes. Note: this and further releases require Xenforo 2.1+.

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A new update is available for Tag Essentials by Stuart Wright.

Tag Essentials 2.2.0

Update highlights

Requires XF2.1.+
New Feature: Add Auto-tag threads from thread-title option in Batch Update Threads function.
Bug fix: Respect tag blacklisting via Batch Update Threads action
Bug fix: Implement Restrict addition of tag to threads in these forums to apply to both manually set thread tags and tags created from the thread title.
Bug fix: Tweak bulk tag management action to read Delete instead of Disable

Complete Change Log

New feature (Auto-tag threads from thread-title option in Batch Update Threads function) and bug fixes. Note: this and further releases require Xenforo 2.1+.

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Hi Stuart,
can I make a suggestion for this addon ?

I am in the process to making this active on my site so I installed it in a "dormant" mode by having disabled tagging globally in XF-option.

My members received "permission denied" error messages when composing threads (entering text in the title-field and leaving that).
Analysis showed that the "Misc" class throws this
class Misc extends XFCP_Misc
     * @return \XF\Mvc\Reply\Message|\XF\Mvc\Reply\View
    public function actionTagessAddFromTitle()
        $options = $this->options();

        if (!$options->enableTagging)
            return $this->noPermission();
in this occasion. Perhaps it should just silently return ?

To work around this I modified the template avForumsTagEss_forum_post_thread_tag_suggestion_js and wrapped it with an test for option:
<xf:if is="$xf.options.enableTagging">
    <xf:if is="$xf.options.tagessSuggestTags">
        <xf:js src="avforums/tagess/tag_suggestion_from_title.js" addon="AVForums/TagEssentials" min="1" />
    <xf:js src="avforums/tagess/tag_suggestion_from_prefix.js" addon="AVForums/TagEssentials" min="1" />

That helped avoiding the errors.

Really struggling to renew licence here. Can't find button. Says to PM Stuart to get vetted or something?
New users such as you need to PM me with their details as requested in all the addons.
Existing users will have permission to purchase.
I'm a user since 2017 mate. Renew ran out in 2020 so I must have renewed a few times. It's okay we're in PM discussion now. :)
@Stuart Wright I'm sorry for such a basic question, but the ajax tag check on creating a new thread is returning an 'oops you don't have permission' error when I tab from the title to body field.

usually i would equate this to a permissions error, but I've checked all the permissions for the lowest user group (registered) and my usergroup (admin) and all the permissions are set to yes, so I'm not sure what I'm missing?

Any help would be much appreciated!
@Stuart Wright I'm sorry for such a basic question, but the ajax tag check on creating a new thread is returning an 'oops you don't have permission' error when I tab from the title to body field.

usually i would equate this to a permissions error, but I've checked all the permissions for the lowest user group (registered) and my usergroup (admin) and all the permissions are set to yes, so I'm not sure what I'm missing?

Any help would be much appreciated!
That's not happening for me so it's likely something in your configuration or another addon doing it.
I don't think it's a tag essentials issue.
A new update is available for Tag Essentials by Stuart Wright.

Tag Essentials

Update highlights

This release brings a nice, new content discovery feature in the forum-specific tag cloud widget.
If you want to present an alternative way for users to discover your threads, the forum-view tag cloud widget displays the most popular tags used in threads in the current forum (and its sub forums).

Complete Change Log

- Fix tag cloud incorrectly excluding tags when filtering by category or the current forum
- Change Tag Cloud category filtering to support including [no category] and [specific categories] with the result that certain categories (the omitted ones) can be excluded.
- Change tag cloud to compute per-forum usage counts instead of global usage counts when limited to specific forums
- Add "forum limit" option to control which forums are searched for threads with tags (defaults to current forum)
- Add tag filter tab to filter bar and a tags input to the filter dropdown

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A new update is available for Tag Essentials by Stuart Wright.

Tag Essentials

Update highlights

Our solution is to just not display the tag cloud widget unless it's being passed an XF:Forum entity. Previously it'd always throw an exception if it was passed an XF:SearchForum entity. For our purposes that seems reasonable, since there's no good reason to display a tag cloud widget when the threads are coming from all over the place.

Complete Change Log

No longer throws an exception when displaying a tag cloud widget in a non-forum node type, e.g. a search forum.

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A new update is available for Tag Essentials by Stuart Wright.

Tag Essentials 2.3.9

Update highlights

Adding some tags throws a 'tag is blacklisted' type error when trying to add the tags, but they are not blacklisted.

Complete Change Log

- Fix per-tag "Restrict addition of tag to threads in these forums" option being unexpectedly applied in some cases
- Fix behavior of per-tag "Restrict addition of tag to threads in these forums" option to correctly apply the "none" option and to deselect if forums being applied when unchecked

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Product Information

Standard Library by Xon
Release date
Last update
100% 5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

Pricing information

12 Months
Renewal cost