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A new product by m2n is available: Competitions for Xenforo 2 - Give your community a boost with competitions
Competitions for Xenforo 2
The basics include
The unbranded Xenforo 1 version was £50 + VAT.
This Xenforo 2 version comes unbranded and is also £50 + VAT.
Extended Product Information
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Competitions for Xenforo 2
The basics include
- Rich text editor for competition details
- Set the date the competition runs from and to
- Set the number of winners and runners up
- Set the question with multiple choice answer
- Image upload with edit tool and optional Alt/Title text, caption and link URL
- Set usergroup permission to view, enter, create, open and publish competitions (e.g. make some competitions open only to more active members)
- Set user criteria to Enter competition (e.g. minimum messages/trophy points)
- Set user criteria to Win competition (e.g. new members can enter but they need to have a minimum of n messages before they can win)
- Optional age restriction to enter based on member’s DOB
- Optional country restriction to enter based on member’s IP
- Optional opt in/opt out tick boxes with a marketing message to create a marketing list for the competition sponsor
- Optional additional text entry field (to comply with legal requirements of some countries when running competitions).
- Prioritise a competition in the widget (for when there are more competitions running than the maximum displayed in the widget)
- Optional forum specified for the creation of an associated discussion thread
- Optional user name for discussion thread starter (defaults to competition creator)
- Enter customised terms and conditions (linked to from all competitions)
- Opens published competitions on the start date
- Closes open + published competitions on the end date
- After closing a competition, the winners are picked at random plus the competition author is alerted of the end of the competition
The unbranded Xenforo 1 version was £50 + VAT.
This Xenforo 2 version comes unbranded and is also £50 + VAT.
Extended Product Information
- Easy to set up competitions
- Automatically close competitions on the end date, pick the winners and notify them by alert
- Optionally create a discussion for a competition in chosen forum
- Optionally have manual winner confirmation
- Competitions list widget
- Permissions to view/enter/create/open and publish competitions
- Upgrade from Competitions 1.x keeping all existing competitions
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