Competitions 2.1.9 [M2N Addons]

Bring new members, reward active members and engage with sponsors at your forum with competitions for Xenforo 2.

Overview Feature list Copyright info Releases (18)


New Member
A new update is available for Competitions by m2n.

Competitions 2.1.9

Update highlights

  1. Added missing content type phrase.
  2. Added support for XenForo 2.3 image optimisation .
  3. Added additional user group controls for excluding groups from competition entry.
  4. Rearranged conditions and options and moved fields to their appropriate tabs.
  5. Modified error handling when a user matches a disallowed user group.

Complete Change Log

Bug fixes and new features

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Product Information

Release date
Last update
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Pricing information

12 Months
Renewal cost