Clarification about the sale of M2N addons

Stuart Wright

Staff member
For business reasons, we are restricting the sale of our addons.
These reasons are
  • we won't sell our addons for use on forums which we feel have questionable ethics.
  • we won't sell our addons for use on forums owned by organisations which are in direct competition with
All our addons are actively in use at and will be maintained for that purpose indefinitely going forward.
We will be releasing updates as and when they are needed. E.g. for compatibility with future releases of Xenforo and for improved features, optimisation and bug fixing purposes.
We will not be giving personal support for the addons. I.e. we won't assist in installation.

Anyone wishing to purchase a license or renewal must contact me for permissions to purchase. Once I have checked the subject of your forum and verified that it is not owned by one of our competitors, I will grant your M2N forum account the needed permissions to purchase.
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Please verify whether I'm eligible - Look past the name and to the content of "general discussions".