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A new product by m2n is available: Archive Threads 3.0.2 - Manual & automated thread archiving
Archive Threads 3.0.2
This addon has been working on AVForums for a number of years to allow users to archive their classified adverts. I decided to package it up and release it to the Xenforo community.
If you want users to be able to archive (move) their threads to a specific forum, then this addon is what you need.
When the Archive link is clicked, the user must confirm that they wish to archive.
Archiving will then move the thread to the pre-defined archive forum.
Forums > Nodes > [select the forum you wish to enable archiving for]
Further down the forum edit page, there are the tick boxes to specify which prefixes can be archived.
There are the usual permissions you would expect.
Extended Product Information
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Archive Threads 3.0.2
This addon has been working on AVForums for a number of years to allow users to archive their classified adverts. I decided to package it up and release it to the Xenforo community.
If you want users to be able to archive (move) their threads to a specific forum, then this addon is what you need.
User Interface
Where archiving is available, there is an archive link at the top of a threadWhen the Archive link is clicked, the user must confirm that they wish to archive.
Archiving will then move the thread to the pre-defined archive forum.
Setting up archiving is done in the node edit page.Forums > Nodes > [select the forum you wish to enable archiving for]
- Enable archiving with a tick box
- Select the forum you wish the archived threads to be moved to
- Specify the text for the Archive button
- Options to enable auto-archiving with user notification
Further down the forum edit page, there are the tick boxes to specify which prefixes can be archived.
- For the prefixes enabled for this forum, tick the additional tick box to enable archiving only for threads with each specific prefix.
There are the usual permissions you would expect.
Extended Product Information
- Archiving moves threads to a specified forum
- Users can archive their own threads
- Moderators can archive other users’ threads
- Threads can be automatically archived after a specified number of days since the last post
- Customised text in the Archive button
- Each forum can have it’s own archive forum
- Limit archiving to threads with a specific prefix
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